Welcome to trackerSpend

Welcome to trackerSpend; an environment in which I can have a play with new technologies under the (arguably false) pretense that I'm building something useful.

Really though, I'm working on a tool that helps me understand my finances. Exactly what that means is difficult to define since it's still taking shape but so long as I'm learning and not running out of money, I'll consider this project a success.

My approach

For the foreseeable future, there's going to be a whole range of things that I want to mess around with and functionality that I want to add. To get a quick insight into what I'm building and why, check out the following pages.

  • What do I hope to build in the future?
  • What am I building now?
  • What have I built in the past?

Contact me

If you'd like to get in touch, send me an email.